Beloved donors and people of good will,
We are happy to welcome you all through this media for the worthy cause of the poor. While sharing our knowledge, skill and experience in the field of social welfare with you, I hope certainly this information will shed more light upon the vision and mission of our organization. Kindly read through this message and help us to help the helpless.
India is a developed country among the developing countries in the third world. We are able to send an unmanned rocket to the moon. Therefore we are proud of our expertise in space. This is a great milestone in the immense development carried out in the space administration.
Even though we have reached a higher standard of development in space administration by sending rockets to the space, launching missiles from one end to the other, sending massive satellites to transact the daily routine of business through sophisticated technology, it is very much saddening to note that poverty, famine, problems related to the unemployment, severe and fast spread of chronic and communicable illness, violence against women in various forms are on the rise.
An ordinary individual is challenged to survive with the small means of income to find the basic and essential food items and other consumer items subject to the price rise which are increasing day by day.
Under these circumstances we would like to point out the following to invite attention to our website visitors to share your valuable suggestion, ideas, knowledge, skill and experience to design some suitable remedies to safeguard the target group from various disasters, discriminations and violence.
- Poverty, famine and starvation due to unemployment problems
- Illiteracy, ignorance, superstitious beliefs, physical and mental deformities are disturbing the early stage of education
- Unhealthy living conditions of the infants, children, adolescents, breast feeding mothers
- Pregnant women and old aged persons have gone bad to worse as there are no access and avenues to seek a better health care service.
- Crime and delinquency rates among the individuals as well as the general public are increasing day by day. Therefore there is a threat and danger to the individual as well as the community by known and unknown elements. Under these circumstances people will have to live in threat and terror to safeguard their lives and assets.
Board of Trustees,
Rivers of EDEN Trust