Our Works


The fertile land suitable for the expansion of agriculture and animal husbandry were acquired to establish various types of industries to manufacture machineries, chemicals and textiles. Therefore extents of land reserved for cultivation and animal husbandry under grow-more-food programme have been reduced. Therefore the costs of the essential food items have been increasing rapidly.


The women belonging to the unorganized sectors are identified as unemployed. Majority of them are identified as unskilled workers. They are working for very low wages according to the availability of seasonal employment. Most of them are working as agricultural laborers, maids, construction workers, highway employees and domestic workers. They are fully unaware of their duties and responsibilities, demands and privileges and laws and regulations which are introduced by government departments to protect their rights. Therefore violations against women are increasing day by day. Some of the unskilled workers are employed in the factories which are identified as health hazards and injurious to their health.


While referring to the life of disabled children, youth and adult it is very much regretting to note that the disabled persons are identified as untouchable and unfortunate. Therefore the basic and fundamental human rights of the disabled persons are ignored. Due to the following reasons they are unable to rehabilitate their life for better future.
  • Medical health assistance are ignored and refused
  • They are not in a position to receive the orthopedic appliances and mobility aids to move around the project area freely to transact their daily routine of business according to their felt needs
  • Due to their physical and mental deformities they are unable to seek admissions in the normal stream of education or in the special schools subject to their poverty as well as due to their severe physical and mental deformities
  • Due to illiteracy, ignorance, superstitious believes as well as to their physical deformities parents and guardians are not allowing their disabled children to participate actively in public programmes or enable them to build up their capacity to remain independent in their lives


For the past several years we are working in various vulnerable areas as well as in high risk areas to support the target group identified as victims of various discriminations. In the beginning we had faced several difficulties in the project area due to lack of communication. These setbacks and deficiencies took place subject to the following factors
  • Very few NGOs were functioning around the project area
  • Only very few self help groups were functioning to support their members
  • Women’s Federation and Disabled Federation were not established.
  • Training facilities to build up the capacity of the individual and the target group were not available and discouraged.
  • The gap between the target group and government officials were increasing and communications between the two parties were curtailed.
  • Illegal money lenders, brokers and various anti-social agents have misdirected and misled the target group.
  • Above all, violation against the young and adult women as well as among the children, youth and adolescents in various forms have ruined their lives and damaged their future.


The victims of the above disasters specially the women who are identified as victims under sexual abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse and property abuse were not given an opportunity to voice their grievances and disasters to the notice of the higher authorities to stop violence against women or reduce the cause for violence as well as to claim damage to rehabilitate their lives. Reference to the above factors, the following unforgettable incidents, misfortune and disaster took place among the young and adult women
  • Young and adult women were abducted and kidnapped by unknown elements for antisocial purpose.
  • Young and adult women were forced to commit adultery to find their family survival or their daily bread.
  • Children below the age of 14 years were forced to beg or work as child workers, rag pickers and street children.
  • Due to severe sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape and unwanted pregnancy several young and adult women were forced to commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide.
To overcome the above disasters, dangers, draw backs and deficiencies we have designed certain meaningful remedies to rehabilitate the life of the target group coming under various groups and category. According to the problems faced by the target group we have organized certain programmes as ongoing programmes to support them in their distress. The details of the ongoing programmes are furnished below.

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