Future Plans


  • Establish and maintain Taluk Level Educational Institutions to promote the educational standard of illiterates and school drop-outs.
  • Prepare illiterates and school drop-outs to make them eligible to enter into the normal stream of education.
  • Offer a special care, attention and close watch observation to promote the standard of education of the disabled children.
  • Create various I.E.G. programmes on the value and important on the early stage of education.
  • Organize and conduct special coaching classes to promote the educational standard of the weaker students during week ends, public holidays and school vacations as well as on summer holidays.
  • Organize and conduct exhibitions and exposure visits to promote the general knowledge and general intelligence of the students.


  • Establish and maintain a foil fledged base hospital with various facilities in Vellore District and create block level Medical Health Development Centers in 20 blocks situated at Vellore District.
  • Promote mobile medical health camp in block level as well as in Panchayat Level to look after the health care of the illiterate poor and undertake a meaningful follow up action.
  • Organize and conduct various I.E.C. programmes to promote the following in rural and in urban limits, i.e.,
  • Adopt safe family planning methods.
  • Promote reproductive health care.
  • Mother’s and child health care development.
  • Adolescent’s health care, development and welfare.
  • Create awareness on HIV/AIDS/STD to prevent various communicable illnesses.
  • Reduce the rate of infant mortality.
  • Reduce the rate of maternal mortality.
  • Promote water and sanitation programme to protect the local rural environment


  • Establish a District Level Resource Information Center to share the valuable information to rehabilitate the life of the disabled.
  • Create a District Level Disabled Federation to look after the welfare of the disabled living in various parts of the District independently.
  • Establish factories and workshops to produce various types of orthopedic appliances and mobility aids to supply them freely to the disabled persons
  • Establish a model schools to provide accommodation and admission to the disabled children coming under various categories and to continue their studies or special education according to their felt need and physical deformities.
  • Establish factories and workshops to produce various types of consumer products that are needed to the member of the general pubic daily to create a permanent source of income to the disabled persons.
  • Organize and conduct various I.E.C. programme to create a permanent equal opportunities and status to the disabled person to transact their daily routine of business with out any difficulties.
  • Promote marriage counseling among the disabled to select his/her life partners from the disabled or non disabled to lead their marriage life without depending on others.
  • Create job opportunities in the private sectors or in the Government Department to facilitate the disabled person to seek job opportunities to sustain with the permanent income.
  • Create awareness among the members of the general public to protect the Basic and Fundamental Human Rights of the disabled.
  • To up-grade the skills of the disabled to establish a permanent self help employment to find their survival.


  • Formation and stabilization of self help groups through small savings as well as internal and external credit linkages to alleviate poverty.
  • Promote the literacy among the illiterate women belonging to the unorganized sectors through adult education and cooperatives.
  • Protection of young and adult women from various sexual harassment, rape, sexual abuse and sexual assault.
  • Create a permanent marketing facility to dispose the items or productions that are manufactured by the women’s self help groups.
  • Prevention of violence and crimes against young and adult women.
  • Establish a women bank to offer credit assistance to the marginalized group of women to create assets for income generation programme.
  • Protection of the basic and fundamental human rights of young and adult women employed in various employment sectors as skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Rehabilitation of the commercial sex workers and their dependents.
  • Encourage the young and adult women to continue their studies up to higher level to hold a very higher rank position in government departments or in the private sectors.
  • Encourage the young and adult women to participate in the local election as well as in the state level and national level elections to become as chairman of the Local Panchayat or M.L.As or M.Ps in future.


  • Establish a home for children and adolescents identified as destitute and disabled to rehabilitate their life.
  • Undertake legal action to rescue the children and adolescents from various commercial sectors, antisocial activities, bondages and hide outs.
  • Offer special education and vocational training to the illiterates and school drop-outs to make them eligible to enter into the normal stream of education and to continue their studies from primary to higher level.
  • Organize and conduct various I.E.C. programmes to promote early stage of education
  • Upgrade the economical standard of living of the parents and guardians of the destitute children and adolescents to facilitate them to look after their dependent’s welfare
  • Construction of low cost residential premises to provide accommodation to the houseless target group identified as destitute and disabled.


  • Establish vocational training center in block level to offer short term and long term Job oriented technical training to the unemployed to find employment opportunities
  • Motivate the passed out trainees to seek job opportunities in the government departments or in private sectors.
  • Create access and avenues to the passed out trainees to establish self help employment by creating resource linkages with the nationalized and scheduled banks to create assets for generating income to look after their survival.


  • News letters and monthly publications will be printed and circulated among the local grassroots level NGOs as well as the beneficiaries. These newsletters will carry various resources and information to promote the existing infrastructure of the grassroots level NGOs to help their target group.
  • Periodical seminar, training and work shops will be organized to build up the capacity of the grassroots level beneficiaries through the local NGOs.
  • Exhibition and exposure visits will be organized to shed more light upon the development scheme which is organized by the Central and State Government Authorities as well as by the Internal and External Donor Agencies.
  • Train the NGOs to train their staff, resource persons and volunteers to undertake immediate steps to work during the national disaster to grant relief to the victims.
  • Motivate the NGOs to participate actively in the training programme, workshop and seminars which are taking place in foreign countries to promote the human development and protect the Basic and Fundamental Human Rights of the individual.
  • Promote the legal status of the NGOs to function as per rules and regulations introduced by the Central and State Government Authorities

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