- To achieve rural upliftment, welfare of women and children
- To provide excellent education for the down trodden society to improve moral and social responsibilities
- To ensure enhanced life to orphans, handicapped and the old age
- To ensure free medical facilities for the poor
- To eliminate all kinds of harassments against women
The motto of our trust is: ”IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE”
Core mission statements:
- Rescuing village people captivated under untouchability, ignorance, superstition and slavery and making them stand on their own by imbibing hope and training
- Rescuing child laborers by giving them good education and career guidance
- Helping the needy and elderly by giving them appropriate help and support
- Promote sanitation, hygiene and environmental awareness among village and tribal people
- Identifying people with critical illness, seasonal illness, prevalent ailments and offering them suitable medical assistance
- Helping the handicapped people with equipments and assisting to make them earn on their own by training them
- Making entrepreneurs out of ordinary people and making them realize their potential